

Luokka 1. Privileged 120 cm

Marshall Kozlov (VRL-14897) - P.T. Barnum VH21-101-0005 (120 cm)
Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Cyberpunk NBD VH21-076-0021 (120 cm)
Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Cryostasis Prime VH20-011-0294 (120 cm)
Piia Ihantoja (VRL-10531) - Kadon Käärmeenkantaja VH20-018-0003 (120 cm)
Ada Granstad (VRL-10531) - Seppäjärven Arastava VH18-018-1382 (120 cm)
Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Klawisz Ion VH21-100-0011 (120 cm)
Joni Arola (VRL-06066) - Zombie VH22-013-0023 (120 cm)
Neea Lahdenperä (VRL-02160) - Chloé Snilli VH18-029-0111 (120 cm)
Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Solgaleo Snilli VH20-029-0186 (120 cm)
Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Liljelunds Gyllene Mirakel VH19-029-0026 (120 cm)
Aava Heljänne (VRL-14837) - Malibu ox VH20-003-0238 (120 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - M.B. Pomegranate VH21-031-0159 (120 cm)
Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Solomon x VH22-034-0035 (120 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Moraina xx VH21-006-0276 (120 cm)
Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Kastehelmen Pandora VH21-031-0321 (120 cm)
Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Garda Bellevue Z VH22-272-0024 (120 cm)
Loius Marchal (VRL-05322) - Centurion VH21-031-0010 (120 cm)
Harrie Chapman (VRL-05322) - Seventh Inkytinky VH21-202-0006 (120 cm)
Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Selfless G. VH22-202-0007 (120 cm)
Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Serpentine VH22-202-0008 (120 cm)
Oona Aure (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dracaena VH19-029-0005 (120 cm)
Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Shamaanin Samba VH20-018-0494 (120 cm)
Eerika Meriluoto (VRL-11911) - Quicksilver ox VH15-003-0019 (120 cm)
Magnus Antonini (VRL-01544) - Aragon XVI VH21-033-0038 (120 cm)
Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Kallan Nocomtesse VH20-031-0025 (120 cm)
Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Lampiègne NBD Z VH21-272-0032 (120 cm)
Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - JB Cherryhuntress VH20-031-0008 (120 cm)
Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Jinxi VH20-021-0006 (120 cm)
Nicholas Rose (VRL-14365) - Chiara Felis VH20-279-0001 (120 cm)
Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Voúrtsa VH22-315-0003 (120 cm)
Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Hananiah VH21-315-0017 (120 cm)
Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Salvatrix VH21-315-0018 (120 cm)

Luokka 2. Jumbo 130 cm

Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Lonesome Glory VH21-101-0013 (130 cm)
Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - K. O. Re-Echo Roar VH21-102-0097 (130 cm)
Sinimeri Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Nox Psychosugar VH21-031-0348 (130 cm)
Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Phaidia Prime VH21-012-0052 (130 cm)
Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Corradina SWA VH21-044-0014 (130 cm)
Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Dozhdik Sova VH21-101-0010 (130 cm)
Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Venividivici Prime VH18-066-0028 (130 cm)
Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - LB Phenomena VH20-048-0044 (130 cm)
Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Ezabella VH21-031-0326 (130 cm)
Aada Salonen (VRL-06066) - Da Hoppin von Wellenfors VH22-011-0095 (130 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Debbie Clover Z VH21-272-0039 (130 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Quintissimo VH22-279-0002 (130 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Themis Snilli VH21-031-0287 (130 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Zenda Snilli VH21-031-0324 (130 cm)
Theodore Sarasti (VRL-14837) - Casual Worry VH21-006-0381 (130 cm)
Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Qualitina VH20-012-0108 (130 cm)
Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Lunary Illusion VH21-044-0058 (130 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Damaro VH21-031-0340 (130 cm)
Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Cha Cha Cha VH21-031-0225 (130 cm)
Hanne Rosten (VRL-05322) - Aconcagua VH19-013-0073 (130 cm)
Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Lulu Liberate G. VH22-202-0007 (130 cm)
Jessamine Vidskar (VRL-14837) - Peggy von Wijnands VH21-012-0210 (130 cm)
Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dawnguard VH18-006-0252 (130 cm)
Flynn Daley (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Gallchobhar VH20-209-0016 (130 cm)
Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Kohinoor VH21-031-0037 (130 cm)
Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Chills Hills ​VH20-031-0060 (130 cm)
Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Toshka VH21-021-0069 (130 cm)
Tijs Schepper (VRL-01544) - Tournai VH21-076-0019 (130 cm)
Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Blissful Blessings Z VH21-272-0035 (130 cm)
Ellie von Brandt (VRL-09386) - Esperite v. Bloom VH19-021-0027 (130 cm)
Peppi Joki (VRL-06858) - JB Nether VH17-031-0456 (130 cm)
Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Napoli Z VH21-272-0066 (130 cm)

Luokka 3. Champion 140 cm

Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Konstantin VH21-101-0001 (140 cm)
Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Noor e Moriya VH22-050-0002 (140 cm)
Salvia Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Vappula Miami Glow VH21-031-0366 (140 cm)
Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Liberty VH21-031-0077 (140 cm)
Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Kastanjan La Luna VH20-031-0288 (140 cm)
Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - Gabbana Krypton VH15-066-0048 (140 cm)
Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Untold Unity BE VH15-076-0032 (140 cm)
Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Pyronine Prime VH16-066-0104 (140 cm)
Enna Oivio (VRL-06066) - My Flint VH22-011-0151 (140 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - M.B. Acis VH18-031-0360 (140 cm)
Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Blue Raptor VH16-031-0075 (140 cm)
Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Acinonyx VH21-253-0004 (140 cm)
Sofie Vestergaard (VRL-14837) - Goodnightkisses VH21-209-0066 (140 cm)
Lidia Railakka (VRL-14837) - Arcangelo VH20-031-0054 (140 cm)
Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Carolin d'Angoulins VH20-121-0007 (140 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lost In Eternity VH21-012-0131 (140 cm)
Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Carambola HAH VH21-013-0044 (140 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Horizon Point VH22-012-0044 (140 cm)
Vilja Hoivisto (VRL-05322) - Morganite van Ulyz VH20-013-0038 (140 cm)
Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Burmese G. VH22-202-0003 (140 cm)
Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Pacorro G. VH22-202-0004 (140 cm)
Pyry Hirvonen (VRL-13006) - Honey Stripes DFC VH19-031-0277 (140 cm)
Soile Kärppä (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Rashad VH20-034-0009 (140 cm)
Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Fehler Demonblood Z VH18-272-0089 (140 cm)
Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Onyxx Ink v. Walden VH19-006-0016 (140 cm)
Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Nymph VH20-031-0332 (140 cm)
Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Jiggish Jellyfish VH20-209-0012 (140 cm)
Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Undercover Hills VH20-011-0184 (140 cm)
Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Paganini VH21-011-0450 (140 cm)
Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Mombasa Hills VH20-021-0005 (140 cm)
Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Totentanz VH21-031-0024 (140 cm)
Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Grim Show VH21-031-0105 (140 cm) 1x valmennuslisäarpa
Toby Oaks (VRL-06858) - Gavroche van Bijou VH20-031-0038 (140 cm)
Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Dark Attraction PB VH06-044-2142 (140 cm)
Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Karkadann VH16-012-0382 (140 cm)
Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Bonne Nuit Ark VH21-044-0030 (140 cm)
Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Lazaros VH21-315-0022 (140 cm)
Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Dionysius VH21-315-0021 (140 cm)

Luokka 4. Master 150 cm

Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - M.B. Osmi VH18-031-0279 (150 cm)
Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (150 cm)
Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - J. Booyah Prime VH16-066-0069 (150 cm)
Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Everholt Supreme VH18-048-0005 (150 cm)
Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Purnima VH21-011-0283 (150 cm)
Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Schlachtensee VH21-021-0222 (150 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Le Courtisan Ion VH17-048-0052 (150 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Dragonia Snilli VH20-031-0097 (150 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317 (150 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192 (150 cm)
Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Pixiehunter Z VH22-272-0020 (150 cm) 1x valmennuslisäarpa
Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Nothingman VH21-048-0034 (150 cm)
Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Plein de Charme E VH18-031-0160 (150 cm)
Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Lovemix Z VH19-272-0015 (150 cm)
Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Brokeback Devil in Me VH18-011-0142 (150 cm)
Luna Lefèvre (VRL-14365) - Falconer VH18-031-0198 (150 cm)
Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Melba Cas VH20-011-0284 (150 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Philip Luno VH19-044-0098 (150 cm)
Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Rosengårds Pickett VH19-031-0060 (150 cm)
Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-noix G. VH21-202-0051 (150 cm)
Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Cassenova G. VH22-202-0009 (150 cm)
Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witchcraft VH19-031-0148 (150 cm)
Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Nox Nectarine Neo VH20-209-0020 (150 cm)
Felix Altermatt (VRL-10878) - Chiasma SWA xx VH20-006-0133 (150 cm)
Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - LB Valium VH20-021-0011 (150 cm)
Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Primrose Hills VH19-031-0222 (150 cm)
Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Sous Le Ciel Hills VH20-031-0051 (150 cm)
Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Utah Hills VH19-031-0083 (150 cm)
Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Cava Noche VH20-031-0012 (150 cm)
Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Oberon Fuchs VH20-021-0028 (150 cm)
Dain Klaasen (VRL-01544) - Cornicen VH21-054-0009 (150 cm)
Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Phantasio VH19-044-0018 (150 cm)
Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Beatrix v. Helmwald VH19-011-0089 (150 cm)
Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - Rowandell Dragon VH20-012-0022 (150 cm)
Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Valence Queen VH21-121-0045 (150 cm)
Aatu Ahlström (VRL-14207) - Kastanjan Marbella VH20-031-0089 (150 cm)

Luokka 5. Grand Prix 160 cm

Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Vagabond Valley VH21-044-0012 (160 cm)
Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Freieslebenite VH22-044-0009 (160 cm)
Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Everholt Atë Pelageya VH21-066-0006 (160 cm)
Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Getrec Couture VH21-013-0049 (160 cm)
Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Counterspy RWD VH21-044-0061 (160 cm)
Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - Mye Champaca Prime VH16-066-0078 (160 cm)
Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Ambiguity Krypton VH16-066-0059 (160 cm)
Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Anthropologie M! VH21-012-0036 (160 cm)
Oliver Koosch (VRL-12320) - Dragonfruit v. Helmwald VH21-011-0090 (160 cm)
Elaine Gerts (VRL-14900) - Sigrane VH21-031-0044 (160 cm)
Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Look at Snilli VH18-031-0334 (160 cm)
Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Lahngau VH22-021-0034 (160 cm)
Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Feldromantik VH21-021-0175 (160 cm)
Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Thalestris VH22-021-0011 (160 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Jackpot Snilli VH15-031-1135 (160 cm)
Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Allim's Expresso VH15-031-0804 (160 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Zemba Snilli VH15-031-0164 (160 cm)
Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Tiara Snilli VH17-031-0639 (160 cm)
Aaron Hamara (VRL-14837) - Grandsupreme VH20-044-0029 (160 cm)
Oliver Hamara (VRL-14837) - Marcello VH18-012-0037 (160 cm)
Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Sanguine VH13-012-0166 (160 cm)
Markus Asplund (VRL-05265) - Grosvenor de Cheney VH18-121-0110 (160 cm)
Emilo Belcotte (VRL-05265) - Rozzano Z (160 cm) VH19-272-0001
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Aquaman RR VH21-031-0313 (160 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Corcovado Clover VH19-044-0040 (160 cm)
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lorian Wolf VH17-031-0557
Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Silvan Cas VH19-044-0099 (160 cm)
Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Terminal Zei VH20-031-0300 (160 cm)
Theodore Lindsay (VRL-12637) - Texas Hold 'Em STC VH16-012-0254 (160 cm)
Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-cou VH21-121-0030 (160 cm)
Milja Malmila (VRL-00692) - Kastanjan Gallant VH18-031-0499 (160 cm)
Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Warlock VH20-031-0096 (160 cm)
Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Limequat Cas Z VH20-272-0053 (160 cm)
Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Bilberry v. Helmwald VH19-011-0140 (160 cm)
Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Pink Tiger VH20-031-0095 (160 cm)
Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witch Doctor VH20-031-0336 (160 cm)
Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Vappula Buenos Aires VH20-031-0317 (160 cm)
Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Ursa Major Hills VH19-031-0260 (160 cm)
Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Apollo Hills VH19-031-0261 (160 cm)
Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Caledonia Hills VH19-031-0304 (160 cm)
Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - High Hopes Hills VH19-031-0306 (160 cm)
Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Platypus Z VH21-272-0008 (160 cm)
Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Leonardo II VH19-011-0133 (160 cm)
Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Virago Seabreeze VH20-202-0011 (160 cm)
Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Amor Amor VH20-031-0090 (160 cm)
Mo Li (VRL-06858) - JB Easy Living VH17-031-0253 (160 cm)

Luokka 6. Erikoisluokka (tekstituotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5) *tuotos vastaanotettu

Kiira Veiskonen (VRL-12320) - Sycamore Real Bad VH21-029-0176 (120 cm)*
Minea Pajari (VRL-12320) - Aura M! VH21-029-0195 (130 cm)*
Sofia Kultasaari (VRL-11911) - Stormseeker VH17-031-0308 (130 cm)*
Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Fantom Hills VH18-031-0438 (130 cm)*
Bea Hallanko (VRL-14837) - Chappaquiddick VH21-029-0323 (130 cm)*
Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Rosengårds Zelia VH18-031-0247 (130 cm)*
Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Garnet VH20-011-0007 (150 cm)*
Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Livin' Las Vegaz VH19-031-003 (160 cm)*
Joachim Altmann (VRL-05265) - Fine Fedora VH20-121-0008 (160 cm)*
Joonas Hopealinna (VRL-12637) - Mr Smarty Pants 5594 xx VH14-006-0524 (120 cm)*
Henrika Stenholm (VRL-00692) - M.B. Pegasus VH20-031-0129 (120 cm)*
Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Art Of War VH22-031-0145 (130 cm)*
Salma Stjärndahl (VRL-13360) - Bonnie KN VH15-029-0290 (120 cm)*
Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Foolish Fling Z VH20-272-0011 (140 cm)*

Luokka 7. Erikoisluokka (kuvatuotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5) *tuotos vastaanotettu

Aifric Flockhart (VRL-14859) - K. O. SuperShook VH21-102-0039 (130 cm)*
Nikolai Karevaara (VRL-13876) - Gospodin Golovolomka VH15-097-0006 (160 cm)*
Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Kallan Leafrain VH19-031-0057 (130 cm)*
Amelie Chaput (VRL-01436) - Vulst af Rid VH21-010-0021 (120 cm)*
Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Jazzdemon Lumos VH21-006-0131 (120 cm)*
Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Priton Religija VH21-006-0131 (150 cm)*
Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Deluxe VH21-263-0001 (130 cm)*
Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Ugh Fine VH20-076-0020 (140 cm)*
Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Quentin Quire VH19-044-0045 (160 cm)*
Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Xiganth VH18-263-0001 (140 cm)*
Tobias Vallieres (VRL-14677) - Quickzilver VH21-012-0051 (120 cm)*
Jeppe Villmar (VRL-14837) - I'm Sassy And I Snow It VH21-012-0250 (160 cm)*
Zoa Ashbee (VRL-14837) - Casually Mocking Chirp VH22-029-0108 (120 cm)*
Anton Seljavaara (VRL-11936) - Kallan Sycamore VH17-031-0411 (130 cm)*
Oskari Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Ruregal VH21-012-0249 (160 cm)*
Reija Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Casus Belli Est VH18-301-0004 (150 cm)*
Joonas Norrlin (VRL-07228) - Paradox VH21-031-0229 (150 cm)*
Arya Zuckerberg (VRL-14903) - Alizay's Cazarman VH20-012-0116 (140 cm)*
Henna Havumäki (VRL-12757) - JB Berryboost VH16-012-0030 (130 cm)*


Luokka 1. Privileged 120 cm

#001 Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Salvatrix VH21-315-0018 (120 cm)
#002 Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - JB Cherryhuntress VH20-031-0008 (120 cm)
#003 Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Cryostasis Prime VH20-011-0294 (120 cm)
#004 Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Liljelunds Gyllene Mirakel VH19-029-0026 (120 cm)
#005 Loius Marchal (VRL-05322) - Centurion VH21-031-0010 (120 cm)
#006 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Moraina xx VH21-006-0276 (120 cm)
#007 Oona Aure (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dracaena VH19-029-0005 (120 cm)
#008 Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Cyberpunk NBD VH21-076-0021 (120 cm)
#009 Marshall Kozlov (VRL-14897) - P.T. Barnum VH21-101-0005 (120 cm)
#010 Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Solomon x VH22-034-0035 (120 cm)
#011 Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Jinxi VH20-021-0006 (120 cm)
#012 Joni Arola (VRL-06066) - Zombie VH22-013-0023 (120 cm)
#013 Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Selfless G. VH22-202-0007 (120 cm)
#014 Piia Ihantoja (VRL-10531) - Kadon Käärmeenkantaja VH20-018-0003 (120 cm)
#015 Eerika Meriluoto (VRL-11911) - Quicksilver ox VH15-003-0019 (120 cm)
#016 Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Kastehelmen Pandora VH21-031-0321 (120 cm)
#017 Magnus Antonini (VRL-01544) - Aragon XVI VH21-033-0038 (120 cm)
#018 Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Kallan Nocomtesse VH20-031-0025 (120 cm)
#019 Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Voúrtsa VH22-315-0003 (120 cm)
#020 Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Lampiègne NBD Z VH21-272-0032 (120 cm)
#021 Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Shamaanin Samba VH20-018-0494 (120 cm)
#022 Ada Granstad (VRL-10531) - Seppäjärven Arastava VH18-018-1382 (120 cm)
#023 Nicholas Rose (VRL-14365) - Chiara Felis VH20-279-0001 (120 cm)
#024 Aava Heljänne (VRL-14837) - Malibu ox VH20-003-0238 (120 cm)
#025 Neea Lahdenperä (VRL-02160) - Chloé Snilli VH18-029-0111 (120 cm)
#026 Harrie Chapman (VRL-05322) - Seventh Inkytinky VH21-202-0006 (120 cm)
#027 Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Garda Bellevue Z VH22-272-0024 (120 cm)
#028 Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Serpentine VH22-202-0008 (120 cm)
#029 Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Hananiah VH21-315-0017 (120 cm)
#030 Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Solgaleo Snilli VH20-029-0186 (120 cm)
#031 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - M.B. Pomegranate VH21-031-0159 (120 cm)
#032 Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Klawisz Ion VH21-100-0011 (120 cm)

Luokka 2. Jumbo 130 cm

#033 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Themis Snilli VH21-031-0287 (130 cm)
#034 Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Lonesome Glory VH21-101-0013 (130 cm)
#035 Sinimeri Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Nox Psychosugar VH21-031-0348 (130 cm)
#036 Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Lulu Liberate G. VH22-202-0007 (130 cm)
#037 Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Qualitina VH20-012-0108 (130 cm)
#038 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Chills Hills ​VH20-031-0060 (130 cm)
#039 Jessamine Vidskar (VRL-14837) - Peggy von Wijnands VH21-012-0210 (130 cm)
#040 Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Lunary Illusion VH21-044-0058 (130 cm)
#041 Peppi Joki (VRL-06858) - JB Nether VH17-031-0456 (130 cm)
#042 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Damaro VH21-031-0340 (130 cm)
#043 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Quintissimo VH22-279-0002 (130 cm)
#044 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Napoli Z VH21-272-0066 (130 cm)
#045 Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Venividivici Prime VH18-066-0028 (130 cm)
#046 Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Dozhdik Sova VH21-101-0010 (130 cm)
#047 Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Phaidia Prime VH21-012-0052 (130 cm)
#048 Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dawnguard VH18-006-0252 (130 cm)
#049 Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - LB Phenomena VH20-048-0044 (130 cm)
#050 Theodore Sarasti (VRL-14837) - Casual Worry VH21-006-0381 (130 cm)
#051 Flynn Daley (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Gallchobhar VH20-209-0016 (130 cm)
#052 Hanne Rosten (VRL-05322) - Aconcagua VH19-013-0073 (130 cm)
#053 Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Corradina SWA VH21-044-0014 (130 cm)
#054 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Kohinoor VH21-031-0037 (130 cm)
#055 Ellie von Brandt (VRL-09386) - Esperite v. Bloom VH19-021-0027 (130 cm)
#056 Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Ezabella VH21-031-0326 (130 cm)
#057 Tijs Schepper (VRL-01544) - Tournai VH21-076-0019 (130 cm)
#058 Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Cha Cha Cha VH21-031-0225 (130 cm)
#059 Aada Salonen (VRL-06066) - Da Hoppin von Wellenfors VH22-011-0095 (130 cm)
#060 Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Blissful Blessings Z VH21-272-0035 (130 cm)
#061 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Zenda Snilli VH21-031-0324 (130 cm)
#062 Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - K. O. Re-Echo Roar VH21-102-0097 (130 cm)
#063 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Toshka VH21-021-0069 (130 cm)
#064 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Debbie Clover Z VH21-272-0039 (130 cm)

Luokka 3. Champion 140 cm

#065 Vilja Hoivisto (VRL-05322) - Morganite van Ulyz VH20-013-0038 (140 cm)
#066 Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Pyronine Prime VH16-066-0104 (140 cm)
#067 Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Kastanjan La Luna VH20-031-0288 (140 cm)
#068 Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Karkadann VH16-012-0382 (140 cm)
#069 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Totentanz VH21-031-0024 (140 cm)
#070 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Acinonyx VH21-253-0004 (140 cm)
#071 Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Nymph VH20-031-0332 (140 cm)
#072 Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Untold Unity BE VH15-076-0032 (140 cm)
#073 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Konstantin VH21-101-0001 (140 cm)
#074 Lidia Railakka (VRL-14837) - Arcangelo VH20-031-0054 (140 cm)
#075 Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Lazaros VH21-315-0022 (140 cm)
#076 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Horizon Point VH22-012-0044 (140 cm)
#077 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Paganini VH21-011-0450 (140 cm)
#078 Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Grim Show VH21-031-0105 (140 cm) 1x valmennuslisäarpa
#079 Toby Oaks (VRL-06858) - Gavroche van Bijou VH20-031-0038 (140 cm)
#080 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Carolin d'Angoulins VH20-121-0007 (140 cm)
#081 Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Pacorro G. VH22-202-0004 (140 cm)
#082 Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Fehler Demonblood Z VH18-272-0089 (140 cm)
#083 Pyry Hirvonen (VRL-13006) - Honey Stripes DFC VH19-031-0277 (140 cm)
#084 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - M.B. Acis VH18-031-0360 (140 cm)
#085 Sofie Vestergaard (VRL-14837) - Goodnightkisses VH21-209-0066 (140 cm)
#086 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Mombasa Hills VH20-021-0005 (140 cm)
#087 Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Burmese G. VH22-202-0003 (140 cm)
#088 Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Jiggish Jellyfish VH20-209-0012 (140 cm)
#089 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Bonne Nuit Ark VH21-044-0030 (140 cm)
#090 Salvia Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Vappula Miami Glow VH21-031-0366 (140 cm)
#091 Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - Gabbana Krypton VH15-066-0048 (140 cm)
#092 Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Liberty VH21-031-0077 (140 cm)
#093 Enna Oivio (VRL-06066) - My Flint VH22-011-0151 (140 cm)
#094 Soile Kärppä (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Rashad VH20-034-0009 (140 cm)
#095 Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Carambola HAH VH21-013-0044 (140 cm)
#096 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Blue Raptor VH16-031-0075 (140 cm)
#097 Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Dark Attraction PB VH06-044-2142 (140 cm)
#098 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Noor e Moriya VH22-050-0002 (140 cm)
#099 Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Dionysius VH21-315-0021 (140 cm)
#100 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lost In Eternity VH21-012-0131 (140 cm)
#101 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Undercover Hills VH20-011-0184 (140 cm)
#102 Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Onyxx Ink v. Walden VH19-006-0016 (140 cm)

Luokka 4. Master 150 cm

#103 Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Cassenova G. VH22-202-0009 (150 cm)
#104 Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Lovemix Z VH19-272-0015 (150 cm)
#105 Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witchcraft VH19-031-0148 (150 cm)
#106 Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Oberon Fuchs VH20-021-0028 (150 cm)
#107 Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Cava Noche VH20-031-0012 (150 cm)
#108 Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Plein de Charme E VH18-031-0160 (150 cm)
#109 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Dragonia Snilli VH20-031-0097 (150 cm)
#110 Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Rosengårds Pickett VH19-031-0060 (150 cm)
#111 Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (150 cm)
#112 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - LB Valium VH20-021-0011 (150 cm)
#113 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Sous Le Ciel Hills VH20-031-0051 (150 cm)
#114 Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-noix G. VH21-202-0051 (150 cm)
#115 Felix Altermatt (VRL-10878) - Chiasma SWA xx VH20-006-0133 (150 cm)
#116 Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - M.B. Osmi VH18-031-0279 (150 cm)
#117 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Valence Queen VH21-121-0045 (150 cm)
#118 Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Schlachtensee VH21-021-0222 (150 cm)
#119 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317 (150 cm)
#120 Aatu Ahlström (VRL-14207) - Kastanjan Marbella VH20-031-0089 (150 cm)
#121 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Nothingman VH21-048-0034 (150 cm)
#122 Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - Rowandell Dragon VH20-012-0022 (150 cm)
#123 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Philip Luno VH19-044-0098 (150 cm)
#124 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Primrose Hills VH19-031-0222 (150 cm)
#125 Dain Klaasen (VRL-01544) - Cornicen VH21-054-0009 (150 cm)
#126 Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Everholt Supreme VH18-048-0005 (150 cm)
#127 Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Purnima VH21-011-0283 (150 cm)
#128 Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Beatrix v. Helmwald VH19-011-0089 (150 cm)
#129 Luna Lefèvre (VRL-14365) - Falconer VH18-031-0198 (150 cm)
#130 Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Melba Cas VH20-011-0284 (150 cm)
#131 Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - J. Booyah Prime VH16-066-0069 (150 cm)
#132 Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Nox Nectarine Neo VH20-209-0020 (150 cm)
#133 Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Brokeback Devil in Me VH18-011-0142 (150 cm)
#134 Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Phantasio VH19-044-0018 (150 cm)
#135 Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Pixiehunter Z VH22-272-0020 (150 cm) 1x valmennuslisäarpa
#136 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Utah Hills VH19-031-0083 (150 cm)
#137 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192 (150 cm)
#138 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Le Courtisan Ion VH17-048-0052 (150 cm)

Luokka 5. Grand Prix 160 cm

#139 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Corcovado Clover VH19-044-0040 (160 cm)
#140 Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Lahngau VH22-021-0034 (160 cm)
#141 Oliver Hamara (VRL-14837) - Marcello VH18-012-0037 (160 cm)
#142 Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Getrec Couture VH21-013-0049 (160 cm)
#143 Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witch Doctor VH20-031-0336 (160 cm)
#144 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Apollo Hills VH19-031-0261 (160 cm)
#145 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Virago Seabreeze VH20-202-0011 (160 cm)
#146 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Freieslebenite VH22-044-0009 (160 cm)
#147 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Allim's Expresso VH15-031-0804 (160 cm)
#148 Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Platypus Z VH21-272-0008 (160 cm)
#149 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Zemba Snilli VH15-031-0164 (160 cm)
#150 Oliver Koosch (VRL-12320) - Dragonfruit v. Helmwald VH21-011-0090 (160 cm)
#151 Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Bilberry v. Helmwald VH19-011-0140 (160 cm)
#152 Aaron Hamara (VRL-14837) - Grandsupreme VH20-044-0029 (160 cm)
#153 Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Everholt Atë Pelageya VH21-066-0006 (160 cm)
#154 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Silvan Cas VH19-044-0099 (160 cm)
#155 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - High Hopes Hills VH19-031-0306 (160 cm)
#156 Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Leonardo II VH19-011-0133 (160 cm)
#157 Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Ambiguity Krypton VH16-066-0059 (160 cm)
#158 Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - Mye Champaca Prime VH16-066-0078 (160 cm)
#159 Elaine Gerts (VRL-14900) - Sigrane VH21-031-0044 (160 cm)
#160 Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Warlock VH20-031-0096 (160 cm)
#161 Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Pink Tiger VH20-031-0095 (160 cm)
#162 Emilo Belcotte (VRL-05265) - Rozzano Z (160 cm) VH19-272-0001
#163 Markus Asplund (VRL-05265) - Grosvenor de Cheney VH18-121-0110 (160 cm)
#164 Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Feldromantik VH21-021-0175 (160 cm)
#165 Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Vappula Buenos Aires VH20-031-0317 (160 cm)
#166 Mo Li (VRL-06858) - JB Easy Living VH17-031-0253 (160 cm)
#167 Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-cou VH21-121-0030 (160 cm)
#168 Milja Malmila (VRL-00692) - Kastanjan Gallant VH18-031-0499 (160 cm)
#169 Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Terminal Zei VH20-031-0300 (160 cm)
#170 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lorian Wolf VH17-031-0557
#171 Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Anthropologie M! VH21-012-0036 (160 cm)
#172 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Caledonia Hills VH19-031-0304 (160 cm)
#173 Theodore Lindsay (VRL-12637) - Texas Hold 'Em STC VH16-012-0254 (160 cm)
#174 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Sanguine VH13-012-0166 (160 cm)
#175 Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Look at Snilli VH18-031-0334 (160 cm)
#176 Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Counterspy RWD VH21-044-0061 (160 cm)
#177 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Vagabond Valley VH21-044-0012 (160 cm)
#178 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Ursa Major Hills VH19-031-0260 (160 cm)
#179 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Jackpot Snilli VH15-031-1135 (160 cm)
#180 Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Limequat Cas Z VH20-272-0053 (160 cm)
#181 Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Thalestris VH22-021-0011 (160 cm)
#182 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Amor Amor VH20-031-0090 (160 cm)
#183 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Tiara Snilli VH17-031-0639 (160 cm)
#184 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Aquaman RR VH21-031-0313 (160 cm)

Luokka 6. Erikoisluokka (tekstituotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5)

#185 Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Garnet VH20-011-0007 (150 cm)
#186 Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Art Of War VH22-031-0145 (130 cm)
#187 Henrika Stenholm (VRL-00692) - M.B. Pegasus VH20-031-0129 (120 cm)
#188 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Foolish Fling Z VH20-272-0011 (140 cm)
#189 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Fantom Hills VH18-031-0438 (130 cm)
#190 Kiira Veiskonen (VRL-12320) - Sycamore Real Bad VH21-029-0176 (120 cm)
#191 Joonas Hopealinna (VRL-12637) - Mr Smarty Pants 5594 xx VH14-006-0524 (120 cm)
#192 Bea Hallanko (VRL-14837) - Chappaquiddick VH21-029-0323 (130 cm)
#193 Salma Stjärndahl (VRL-13360) - Bonnie KN VH15-029-0290 (120 cm)
#194 Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Rosengårds Zelia VH18-031-0247 (130 cm)
#195 Minea Pajari (VRL-12320) - Aura M! VH21-029-0195 (130 cm)
#196 Joachim Altmann (VRL-05265) - Fine Fedora VH20-121-0008 (160 cm)
#197 Sofia Kultasaari (VRL-11911) - Stormseeker VH17-031-0308 (130 cm)
#198 Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Livin' Las Vegaz VH19-031-003 (160 cm)

Luokka 7. Erikoisluokka (kuvatuotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5)

#199 Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Jazzdemon Lumos VH21-006-0131 (120 cm)
#200 Tobias Vallieres (VRL-14677) - Quickzilver VH21-012-0051 (120 cm)
#201 Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Kallan Leafrain VH19-031-0057 (130 cm)
#202 Aifric Flockhart (VRL-14859) - K. O. SuperShook VH21-102-0039 (130 cm)
#203 Arya Zuckerberg (VRL-14903) - Alizay's Cazarman VH20-012-0116 (140 cm)
#204 Oskari Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Ruregal VH21-012-0249 (160 cm)
#205 Anton Seljavaara (VRL-11936) - Kallan Sycamore VH17-031-0411 (130 cm)
#206 Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Quentin Quire VH19-044-0045 (160 cm)
#207 Amelie Chaput (VRL-01436) - Vulst af Rid VH21-010-0021 (120 cm)
#208 Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Ugh Fine VH20-076-0020 (140 cm)
#209 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Deluxe VH21-263-0001 (130 cm)
#210 Nikolai Karevaara (VRL-13876) - Gospodin Golovolomka VH15-097-0006 (160 cm)
#211 Zoa Ashbee (VRL-14837) - Casually Mocking Chirp VH22-029-0108 (120 cm)
#212 Henna Havumäki (VRL-12757) - JB Berryboost VH16-012-0030 (130 cm)
#213 Jeppe Villmar (VRL-14837) - I'm Sassy And I Snow It VH21-012-0250 (160 cm)
#214 Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Xiganth VH18-263-0001 (140 cm)
#215 Reija Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Casus Belli Est VH18-301-0004 (150 cm)
#216 Joonas Norrlin (VRL-07228) - Paradox VH21-031-0229 (150 cm)
#217 Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Priton Religija VH21-006-0131 (150 cm)

Luokka 8. PJ-arvoluokka (taso väliltä 1-5, ei osallistumisia)

#001 Oona Aure (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dracaena VH19-029-0005 (120 cm)
#002 Aava Heljänne (VRL-14837) - Malibu ox VH20-003-0238 (120 cm)
#003 Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Jazzdemon Lumos VH21-006-0131 (120 cm)
#004 Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Lampiègne NBD Z VH21-272-0032 (120 cm)
#005 Henrika Stenholm (VRL-00692) - M.B. Pegasus VH20-031-0129 (120 cm)
#006 Loius Marchal (VRL-05322) - Centurion VH21-031-0010 (120 cm)
#007 Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Cyberpunk NBD VH21-076-0021 (120 cm)
#008 Zoa Ashbee (VRL-14837) - Casually Mocking Chirp VH22-029-0108 (120 cm)
#009 Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Hananiah VH21-315-0017 (120 cm)
#010 Kiira Veiskonen (VRL-12320) - Sycamore Real Bad VH21-029-0176 (120 cm)
#011 Joonas Hopealinna (VRL-12637) - Mr Smarty Pants 5594 xx VH14-006-0524 (120 cm)
#012 Tobias Vallieres (VRL-14677) - Quickzilver VH21-012-0051 (120 cm)
#013 Salma Stjärndahl (VRL-13360) - Bonnie KN VH15-029-0290 (120 cm)
#014 Amelie Chaput (VRL-01436) - Vulst af Rid VH21-010-0021 (120 cm)
#015 Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Liljelunds Gyllene Mirakel VH19-029-0026 (120 cm)
#016 Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - JB Cherryhuntress VH20-031-0008 (120 cm)
10 minuutin huoltotauko
#017 Jessamine Vidskar (VRL-14837) - Peggy von Wijnands VH21-012-0210 (130 cm)
#018 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Quintissimo VH22-279-0002 (130 cm)
#019 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Deluxe VH21-263-0001 (130 cm)
#020 Sinimeri Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Nox Psychosugar VH21-031-0348 (130 cm)
#021 Sofia Kultasaari (VRL-11911) - Stormseeker VH17-031-0308 (130 cm)
#022 Aifric Flockhart (VRL-14859) - K. O. SuperShook VH21-102-0039 (130 cm)
#023 Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Corradina SWA VH21-044-0014 (130 cm)
#024 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Napoli Z VH21-272-0066 (130 cm)
#025 Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Art Of War VH22-031-0145 (130 cm)
#026 Anton Seljavaara (VRL-11936) - Kallan Sycamore VH17-031-0411 (130 cm)
#027 Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Toshka VH21-021-0069 (130 cm)
#028 Bea Hallanko (VRL-14837) - Chappaquiddick VH21-029-0323 (130 cm)
#029 Peppi Joki (VRL-06858) - JB Nether VH17-031-0456 (130 cm)
#030 Minea Pajari (VRL-12320) - Aura M! VH21-029-0195 (130 cm)
#031 Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Themis Snilli VH21-031-0287 (130 cm)
#032 Henna Havumäki (VRL-12757) - JB Berryboost VH16-012-0030 (130 cm)
#033 Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Kallan Leafrain VH19-031-0057 (130 cm)
#034 Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Rosengårds Zelia VH18-031-0247 (130 cm)
#035 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Fantom Hills VH18-031-0438 (130 cm)
10 minuutin huoltotauko
#036 Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Dionysius VH21-315-0021 (140 cm)
#037 Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Undercover Hills VH20-011-0184 (140 cm)
#038 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Foolish Fling Z VH20-272-0011 (140 cm)
#039 Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Acinonyx VH21-253-0004 (140 cm)
#040 Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Ugh Fine VH20-076-0020 (140 cm)
#041 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lost In Eternity VH21-012-0131 (140 cm)
#042 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Konstantin VH21-101-0001 (140 cm)
#043 Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Pacorro G. VH22-202-0004 (140 cm)
#044 Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Xiganth VH18-263-0001 (140 cm)
#045 Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Noor e Moriya VH22-050-0002 (140 cm)
#046 Salvia Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Vappula Miami Glow VH21-031-0366 (140 cm)
#047 Soile Kärppä (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Rashad VH20-034-0009 (140 cm)
#048 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Carolin d'Angoulins VH20-121-0007 (140 cm)
#049 Arya Zuckerberg (VRL-14903) - Alizay's Cazarman VH20-012-0116 (140 cm)
10 minuutin huoltotauko
#050 Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317 (150 cm)
#051 Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Purnima VH21-011-0283 (150 cm)
#052 Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Priton Religija VH21-006-0131 (150 cm)
#053 Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (150 cm)
#054 Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Garnet VH20-011-0007 (150 cm)
#055 Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Cava Noche VH20-031-0012 (150 cm)
#056 Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Melba Cas VH20-011-0284 (150 cm)
#057 Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - M.B. Osmi VH18-031-0279 (150 cm)
#058 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Sous Le Ciel Hills VH20-031-0051 (150 cm)
#059 Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Nothingman VH21-048-0034 (150 cm)
#060 Luna Lefèvre (VRL-14365) - Falconer VH18-031-0198 (150 cm)
#061 Reija Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Casus Belli Est VH18-301-0004 (150 cm)
#062 Joonas Norrlin (VRL-07228) - Paradox VH21-031-0229 (150 cm)
10 minuutin huoltotauko
#063 Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Getrec Couture VH21-013-0049 (160 cm)
#064 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Corcovado Clover VH19-044-0040 (160 cm)
#065 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Amor Amor VH20-031-0090 (160 cm)
#066 Theodore Lindsay (VRL-12637) - Texas Hold 'Em STC VH16-012-0254 (160 cm)
#067 Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Ambiguity Krypton VH16-066-0059 (160 cm)
#068 Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Caledonia Hills VH19-031-0304 (160 cm)
#069 Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Leonardo II VH19-011-0133 (160 cm)
#070 Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Virago Seabreeze VH20-202-0011 (160 cm)
#071 Elaine Gerts (VRL-14900) - Sigrane VH21-031-0044 (160 cm)
#072 Jeppe Villmar (VRL-14837) - I'm Sassy And I Snow It VH21-012-0250 (160 cm)
#073 Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - Mye Champaca Prime VH16-066-0078 (160 cm)
#074 Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Quentin Quire VH19-044-0045 (160 cm)
#075 Joachim Altmann (VRL-05265) - Fine Fedora VH20-121-0008 (160 cm)
#076 Nikolai Karevaara (VRL-13876) - Gospodin Golovolomka VH15-097-0006 (160 cm)
#077 Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Silvan Cas VH19-044-0099 (160 cm)
#078 Oliver Hamara (VRL-14837) - Marcello VH18-012-0037 (160 cm)
#079 Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Livin' Las Vegaz VH19-031-003 (160 cm)
#080 Oskari Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Ruregal VH21-012-0249 (160 cm)


Luokka 1. Privileged 120 cm

1. Oona Aure (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dracaena VH19-029-0005 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 71.306/46.471 s
2. Aava Heljänne (VRL-14837) - Malibu ox VH20-003-0238 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 68.260/47.471 s
3. Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Lampiègne NBD Z VH21-272-0032 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 73.998/47.488 s
4. Loius Marchal (VRL-05322) - Centurion VH21-031-0010 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 75.958/47.702 s
5. Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Cyberpunk NBD VH21-076-0021 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 68.294/51.163 s
6. Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Hananiah VH21-315-0017 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 71.036/51.445 s
7. Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Liljelunds Gyllene Mirakel VH19-029-0026 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 64.849/52.497 s
8. Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - JB Cherryhuntress VH20-031-0008 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 70.948/53.019 s
9. Ada Granstad (VRL-10531) - Seppäjärven Arastava VH18-018-1382 (120 cm) 0–0 vp 64.805/54.564 s
10. Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Selfless G. VH22-202-0007 (120 cm) 0–4 vp 76.625/45.946 s
11. Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Solomon x VH22-034-0035 (120 cm) 0–4 vp 75.178/47.332 s
12. Marshall Kozlov (VRL-14897) - P.T. Barnum VH21-101-0005 (120 cm) 0–4 vp 70.666/51.423 s
13. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Moraina xx VH21-006-0276 (120 cm) 4 vp 63.241 s
14. Nicholas Rose (VRL-14365) - Chiara Felis VH20-279-0001 (120 cm) 4 vp 63.363 s
15. Joni Arola (VRL-06066) - Zombie VH22-013-0023 (120 cm) 4 vp 64.633 s
16. Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Solgaleo Snilli VH20-029-0186 (120 cm) 4 vp 68.758 s
17. Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Kallan Nocomtesse VH20-031-0025 (120 cm) 4 vp 71.514 s
18. Magnus Antonini (VRL-01544) - Aragon XVI VH21-033-0038 (120 cm) 4 vp 76.216 s
19. Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Cryostasis Prime VH20-011-0294 (120 cm) 4 vp 77.169 s
20. Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Salvatrix VH21-315-0018 (120 cm) 4 vp 77.179 s
21. Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Jinxi VH20-021-0006 (120 cm) 4 vp 77.860 s
22. Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Shamaanin Samba VH20-018-0494 (120 cm) 8 vp 64.786 s
23. Piia Ihantoja (VRL-10531) - Kadon Käärmeenkantaja VH20-018-0003 (120 cm) 8 vp 68.843 s
24. Neea Lahdenperä (VRL-02160) - Chloé Snilli VH18-029-0111 (120 cm) 8 vp 69.407 s
25. Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Voúrtsa VH22-315-0003 (120 cm) 8 vp 70.374 s
26. Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Klawisz Ion VH21-100-0011 (120 cm) 8 vp 74.572 s
27. Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Garda Bellevue Z VH22-272-0024 (120 cm) 12 vp 63.294 s
28. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - M.B. Pomegranate VH21-031-0159 (120 cm) 12 vp 66.365 s
29. Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Kastehelmen Pandora VH21-031-0321 (120 cm) 12 vp 66.866 s
30. Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Serpentine VH22-202-0008 (120 cm) 12 vp 77.395 s
31. Harrie Chapman (VRL-05322) - Seventh Inkytinky VH21-202-0006 (120 cm) 20 vp 71.083 s
32. Eerika Meriluoto (VRL-11911) - Quicksilver ox VH15-003-0019 (120 cm) hyl

Luokka 2. Jumbo 130 cm

1. Jessamine Vidskar (VRL-14837) - Peggy von Wijnands VH21-012-0210 (130 cm) 0–0 vp 73.019/48.903 s
2. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Quintissimo VH22-279-0002 (130 cm) 0–0 vp 69.983/53.057 s
3. Sinimeri Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Nox Psychosugar VH21-031-0348 (130 cm) 0–4 vp 75.517/48.969 s
4. Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Corradina SWA VH21-044-0014 (130 cm) 0–4 vp 72.012/50.682 s
5. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Napoli Z VH21-272-0066 (130 cm) 0–4 vp 72.624/51.314 s
6. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Toshka VH21-021-0069 (130 cm) 4 vp 63.965 s
7. Peppi Joki (VRL-06858) - JB Nether VH17-031-0456 (130 cm) 4 vp 66.106 s
8. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Themis Snilli VH21-031-0287 (130 cm) 4 vp 66.393 s
9. Ellie von Brandt (VRL-09386) - Esperite v. Bloom VH19-021-0027 (130 cm) 4 vp 67.667 s
10. Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - K. O. Re-Echo Roar VH21-102-0097 (130 cm) 4 vp 70.873 s
11. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Chills Hills VH20-031-0060 (130 cm) 4 vp 75.407 s
12. Ulrika Zetterman (VRL-14959) - Cha Cha Cha VH21-031-0225 (130 cm) 8 vp 63.072 s
13. Flynn Daley (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Gallchobhar VH20-209-0016 (130 cm) 8 vp 64.824 s
14. Aada Salonen (VRL-06066) - Da Hoppin von Wellenfors VH22-011-0095 (130 cm) 8 vp 65.084 s
15. Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Qualitina VH20-012-0108 (130 cm) 8 vp 65.222 s
16. Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dawnguard VH18-006-0252 (130 cm) 8 vp 66.842 s
17. Vladimir Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Lonesome Glory VH21-101-0013 (130 cm) 8 vp 68.613 s
18. Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Lunary Illusion VH21-044-0058 (130 cm) 8 vp 71.454 s
19. Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Venividivici Prime VH18-066-0028 (130 cm) 8 vp 72.731 s
20. Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Ezabella VH21-031-0326 (130 cm) 8 vp 75.522 s
21. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Zenda Snilli VH21-031-0324 (130 cm) 8 vp 76.513 s
22. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Kohinoor VH21-031-0037 (130 cm) 8 vp 82.970 s
23. Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Lulu Liberate G. VH22-202-0007 (130 cm) 12 vp 63.314 s
24. Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Blissful Blessings Z VH21-272-0035 (130 cm) 12 vp 65.635 s
25. Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Dozhdik Sova VH21-101-0010 (130 cm) 12 vp 69.210 s
26. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Damaro VH21-031-0340 (130 cm) 12 vp 70.912 s
27. Tijs Schepper (VRL-01544) - Tournai VH21-076-0019 (130 cm) 12 vp 71.487 s
28. Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Phaidia Prime VH21-012-0052 (130 cm) 12 vp 72.292 s
29. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Debbie Clover Z VH21-272-0039 (130 cm) 12 vp 75.714 s
30. Hanne Rosten (VRL-05322) - Aconcagua VH19-013-0073 (130 cm) 12 vp 77.572 s
31. Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - LB Phenomena VH20-048-0044 (130 cm) 16 vp 68.228 s
32. Theodore Sarasti (VRL-14837) - Casual Worry VH21-006-0381 (130 cm) 16 vp 72.672 s

Luokka 3. Champion 140 cm

1. Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Dionysius VH21-315-0021 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 74.431/49.225 s
2. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Undercover Hills VH20-011-0184 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 68.758/49.421 s
3. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Acinonyx VH21-253-0004 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 64.755/49.633 s
4. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lost In Eternity VH21-012-0131 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 65.418/50.359 s
5. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Konstantin VH21-101-0001 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 65.743/50.590 s
6. Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Pacorro G. VH22-202-0004 (140 cm) 0–0 vp 67.597/51.009 s
7. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Noor e Moriya VH22-050-0002 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 73.019/45.128 s
8. Salvia Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Vappula Miami Glow VH21-031-0366 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 72.398/45.237 s
9. Soile Kärppä (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Rashad VH20-034-0009 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 61.614/47.670 s
10. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Carolin d'Angoulins VH20-121-0007 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 71.064/49.254 s
11. Vilja Hoivisto (VRL-05322) - Morganite van Ulyz VH20-013-0038 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 64.815/49.810 s
12. Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Grim Show VH21-031-0105 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 65.651/50.048 s
13. Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - Gabbana Krypton VH15-066-0048 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 64.529/50.786 s
14. Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Burmese G. VH22-202-0003 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 69.633/50.797 s
15. Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Karkadann VH16-012-0382 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 63.748/50.893 s
16. Ekaterina Golovka (VRL-10531) - Pyronine Prime VH16-066-0104 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 74.736/50.931 s
17. Jonas Åberg (VRL-14959) - Carambola HAH VH21-013-0044 (140 cm) 0–4 vp 61.349/52.370 s
18. Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Kastanjan La Luna VH20-031-0288 (140 cm) 4 vp 60.216 s
19. Sofie Vestergaard (VRL-14837) - Goodnightkisses VH21-209-0066 (140 cm) 4 vp 63.135 s
20. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Paganini VH21-011-0450 (140 cm) 4 vp 65.221 s
21. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Mombasa Hills VH20-021-0005 (140 cm) 4 vp 66.121 s
22. Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Untold Unity BE VH15-076-0032 (140 cm) 4 vp 68.033 s
23. Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Fehler Demonblood Z VH18-272-0089 (140 cm) 4 vp 68.412 s
24. Disa Sund (VRL-03335) - Dark Attraction PB VH06-044-2142 (140 cm) 4 vp 72.573 s
25. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - M.B. Acis VH18-031-0360 (140 cm) 4 vp 74.800 s
26. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Horizon Point VH22-012-0044 (140 cm) 4 vp 74.989 s
27. Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Gleanntán Jiggish Jellyfish VH20-209-0012 (140 cm) 8 vp 62.123 s
28. Lidia Railakka (VRL-14837) - Arcangelo VH20-031-0054 (140 cm) 8 vp 65.285 s
29. Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Nymph VH20-031-0332 (140 cm) 8 vp 67.225 s
30. Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Lazaros VH21-315-0022 (140 cm) 8 vp 69.498 s
31. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Bonne Nuit Ark VH21-044-0030 (140 cm) 8 vp 73.847 s
32. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Totentanz VH21-031-0024 (140 cm) 12 vp 62.541 s
33. Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Onyxx Ink v. Walden VH19-006-0016 (140 cm) 12 vp 67.564 s
34. Enna Oivio (VRL-06066) - My Flint VH22-011-0151 (140 cm) 12 vp 69.850 s
35. Maesi Saarre (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Liberty VH21-031-0077 (140 cm) 16 vp 63.114 s
36. Toby Oaks (VRL-06858) - Gavroche van Bijou VH20-031-0038 (140 cm) 16 vp 63.220 s
37. Pyry Hirvonen (VRL-13006) - Honey Stripes DFC VH19-031-0277 (140 cm) 16 vp 68.939 s
38. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Blue Raptor VH16-031-0075 (140 cm) hyl

Luokka 4. Master 150 cm

1. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317 (150 cm) 0–0 vp 66.798/46.730 s
2. Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Purnima VH21-011-0283 (150 cm) 0–0 vp 72.702/46.817 s
3. Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (150 cm) 0–0 vp 64.889/48.614 s
4. Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Cava Noche VH20-031-0012 (150 cm) 0–0 vp 61.061/48.993 s
5. Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Melba Cas VH20-011-0284 (150 cm) 0–0 vp 74.862/52.486 s
6. Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - M.B. Osmi VH18-031-0279 (150 cm) 0–4 vp 74.546/50.681 s
7. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Sous Le Ciel Hills VH20-031-0051 (150 cm) 4 vp 60.656 s
8. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Nothingman VH21-048-0034 (150 cm) 4 vp 60.701 s
9. Luna Lefèvre (VRL-14365) - Falconer VH18-031-0198 (150 cm) 4 vp 60.746 s
10. Felix Altermatt (VRL-10878) - Chiasma SWA xx VH20-006-0133 (150 cm) 4 vp 61.710 s
11. Anttoni Harva (VRL-10531) - J. Booyah Prime VH16-066-0069 (150 cm) 4 vp 62.715 s
12. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Utah Hills VH19-031-0083 (150 cm) 4 vp 63.147 s
13. Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Everholt Supreme VH18-048-0005 (150 cm) 4 vp 64.886 s
14. Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Lovemix Z VH19-272-0015 (150 cm) 4 vp 67.614 s
15. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Le Courtisan Ion VH17-048-0052 (150 cm) 4 vp 68.302 s
16. Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Brokeback Devil in Me VH18-011-0142 (150 cm) 4 vp 68.307 s
17. Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Phantasio VH19-044-0018 (150 cm) 4 vp 72.083 s
18. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Philip Luno VH19-044-0098 (150 cm) 4 vp 72.488 s
19. Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Pixiehunter Z VH22-272-0020 (150 cm) 4 vp 73.075 s
20. Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Schlachtensee VH21-021-0222 (150 cm) 8 vp 61.338 s
21. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Valence Queen VH21-121-0045 (150 cm) 8 vp 64.776 s
22. Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Plein de Charme E VH18-031-0160 (150 cm) 8 vp 65.581 s
23. Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - Rowandell Dragon VH20-012-0022 (150 cm) 8 vp 66.995 s
24. Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witchcraft VH19-031-0148 (150 cm) 8 vp 69.106 s
25. Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Rosengårds Pickett VH19-031-0060 (150 cm) 8 vp 70.080 s
26. Aatu Ahlström (VRL-14207) - Kastanjan Marbella VH20-031-0089 (150 cm) 8 vp 70.455 s
27. Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Oberon Fuchs VH20-021-0028 (150 cm) 8 vp 72.251 s
28. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192 (150 cm) 8 vp 74.261 s
29. Elise Venn (VRL-14837) - Cassenova G. VH22-202-0009 (150 cm) 10 vp 85.760 s
30. Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Beatrix v. Helmwald VH19-011-0089 (150 cm) 12 vp 66.200 s
31. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Dragonia Snilli VH20-031-0097 (150 cm) 12 vp 68.574 s
32. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - LB Valium VH20-021-0011 (150 cm) 12 vp 74.175 s
33. Bridget O'Sullivan (VRL-10878) - Nox Nectarine Neo VH20-209-0020 (150 cm) 12 vp 74.583 s
34. Dain Klaasen (VRL-01544) - Cornicen VH21-054-0009 (150 cm) 16 vp 64.696 s
35. Majiná Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-noix G. VH21-202-0051 (150 cm) 16 vp 73.580 s
36. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Primrose Hills VH19-031-0222 (150 cm) hyl

Luokka 5. Grand Prix 160 cm

1. Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Getrec Couture VH21-013-0049 (160 cm) 0–0 vp 63.126/44.901 s
2. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Corcovado Clover VH19-044-0040 (160 cm) 0–0 vp 73.694/46.763 s
3. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Amor Amor VH20-031-0090 (160 cm) 0–0 vp 61.232/50.268 s
4. Theodore Lindsay (VRL-12637) - Texas Hold 'Em STC VH16-012-0254 (160 cm) 0–0 vp 70.116/50.806 s
5. Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Ambiguity Krypton VH16-066-0059 (160 cm) 0–4 vp 66.454/50.764 s
6. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Caledonia Hills VH19-031-0304 (160 cm) 4 vp 60.000 s
7. Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Leonardo II VH19-011-0133 (160 cm) 4 vp 60.078 s
8. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Virago Seabreeze VH20-202-0011 (160 cm) 4 vp 60.225 s
9. Elaine Gerts (VRL-14900) - Sigrane VH21-031-0044 (160 cm) 4 vp 60.776 s
10. Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - Mye Champaca Prime VH16-066-0078 (160 cm) 4 vp 61.559 s
11. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Silvan Cas VH19-044-0099 (160 cm) 4 vp 61.884 s
12. Oliver Hamara (VRL-14837) - Marcello VH18-012-0037 (160 cm) 4 vp 62.159 s
13. Kirochka Vinogradov (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Pink Tiger VH20-031-0095 (160 cm) 4 vp 62.233 s
14. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Sanguine VH13-012-0166 (160 cm) 4 vp 62.253 s
15. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Zemba Snilli VH15-031-0164 (160 cm) 4 vp 62.565 s
16. Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Everholt Atë Pelageya VH21-066-0006 (160 cm) 4 vp 63.265 s
17. Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Vappula Buenos Aires VH20-031-0317 (160 cm) 4 vp 64.361 s
18. Naella Wahlman (VRL-12320) - Anthropologie M! VH21-012-0036 (160 cm) 4 vp 64.827 s
19. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Apollo Hills VH19-031-0261 (160 cm) 4 vp 64.968 s
20. Marika Pirttikangas (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Warlock VH20-031-0096 (160 cm) 4 vp 65.055 s
21. Aaron Hamara (VRL-14837) - Grandsupreme VH20-044-0029 (160 cm) 4 vp 66.662 s
22. Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Look at Snilli VH18-031-0334 (160 cm) 4 vp 68.576 s
23. Emilo Belcotte (VRL-05265) - Rozzano Z (160 cm) VH19-272-0001 4 vp 70.624 s
24. Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Limequat Cas Z VH20-272-0053 (160 cm) 4 vp 71.068 s
25. Helga Åqvist (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Witch Doctor VH20-031-0336 (160 cm) 4 vp 71.996 s
26. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Tiara Snilli VH17-031-0639 (160 cm) 8 vp 60.822 s
27. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Vagabond Valley VH21-044-0012 (160 cm) 8 vp 61.002 s
28. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Ursa Major Hills VH19-031-0260 (160 cm) 8 vp 66.834 s
29. Markus Asplund (VRL-05265) - Grosvenor de Cheney VH18-121-0110 (160 cm) 8 vp 69.171 s
30. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Aquaman RR VH21-031-0313 (160 cm) 8 vp 71.229 s
31. Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Lahngau VH22-021-0034 (160 cm) 8 vp 71.797 s
32. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Freieslebenite VH22-044-0009 (160 cm) 8 vp 72.831 s
33. Mo Li (VRL-06858) - JB Easy Living VH17-031-0253 (160 cm) 12 vp 60.133 s
34. Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Thalestris VH22-021-0011 (160 cm) 12 vp 60.286 s
35. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Allim's Expresso VH15-031-0804 (160 cm) 12 vp 62.472 s
36. Joachim Altmann (VRL-11889) - Platypus Z VH21-272-0008 (160 cm) 12 vp 65.039 s
37. Adrian Shriver (VRL-11523) - Feldromantik VH21-021-0175 (160 cm) 12 vp 68.935 s
38. Oliver Koosch (VRL-12320) - Dragonfruit v. Helmwald VH21-011-0090 (160 cm) 12 vp 69.782 s
39. Juuso Sherman (VRL-05322) - Terminal Zei VH20-031-0300 (160 cm) 12 vp 71.430 s
40. Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Counterspy RWD VH21-044-0061 (160 cm) 12 vp 73.246 s
41. Milja Malmila (VRL-00692) - Kastanjan Gallant VH18-031-0499 (160 cm) 12 vp 73.565 s
42. Richard Malmstén (VRL-13006) - Bilberry v. Helmwald VH19-011-0140 (160 cm) 12 vp 73.779 s
43. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Jackpot Snilli VH15-031-1135 (160 cm) 12 vp 74.660 s
44. Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Casse-cou VH21-121-0030 (160 cm) 16 vp 62.634 s
45. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lorian Wolf VH17-031-0557 16 vp 68.671 s
46. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - High Hopes Hills VH19-031-0306 (160 cm) 16 vp 73.235 s

Luokka 6. Erikoisluokka (tekstituotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5)


Tuomarien pisteet on esitetty satunnaistetussa järjestyksessä ratsukon nimen perässä suluissa. Numero edustaa tähtikategoriaa ja + tarkoittaa sitä, että tuomari on arvioinut tuotoksen toteuttavan vuoden 2022 taivaallisuus-teemaa. Tuotosluokkien arvioinnista voit lukea lisää täältä.

1. Sofia Kultasaari (VRL-11911) - Stormseeker VH17-031-0308 (130 cm) (5/4+/5+)
2. Joachim Altmann (VRL-05265) - Fine Fedora VH20-121-0008 (160 cm) (5+/4/5+)
3. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Fantom Hills VH18-031-0438 (130 cm) (4+/4/4+)
4. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Foolish Fling Z VH20-272-0011 (140 cm) (4/4/5)
5. Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Garnet VH20-011-0007 (150 cm) (4/4/3)
6. Bea Hallanko (VRL-14837) - Chappaquiddick VH21-029-0323 (130 cm) (3/5/5)
7. Joonas Hopealinna (VRL-12637) - Mr Smarty Pants 5594 xx VH14-006-0524 (120 cm) (4+/3+/3+)
8. Henrika Stenholm (VRL-00692) - M.B. Pegasus VH20-031-0129 (120 cm) (3+/4+/3+)
9. Kiira Veiskonen (VRL-12320) - Sycamore Real Bad VH21-029-0176 (120 cm) (4/3/4)
10. Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Rosengårds Zelia VH18-031-0247 (130 cm) (4/4/2)
11. Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Art Of War VH22-031-0145 (130 cm) (3+/3/3)
12. Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Livin' Las Vegaz VH19-031-003 (160 cm) (3/3/3)
13. Salma Stjärndahl (VRL-13360) - Bonnie KN VH15-029-0290 (120 cm) (2/2/3)
14. Minea Pajari (VRL-12320) - Aura M! VH21-029-0195 (130 cm) (2/2/2)

Luokka 7. Erikoisluokka (kuvatuotosluokka, taso väliltä 1-5)


Tuomarien pisteet on esitetty satunnaistetussa järjestyksessä ratsukon nimen perässä suluissa. Numero edustaa tähtikategoriaa ja + tarkoittaa sitä, että tuomari on arvioinut tuotoksen toteuttavan vuoden 2022 taivaallisuus-teemaa. Tuotosluokkien arvioinnista voit lukea lisää täältä.

1. Nikolai Karevaara (VRL-13876) - Gospodin Golovolomka VH15-097-0006 (160 cm) (5+/5+/5+)
2. Aifric Flockhart (VRL-14859) - K. O. SuperShook VH21-102-0039 (130 cm) (5+/5+/5+)
3. Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Priton Religija VH21-006-0131 (150 cm) (5+/5+/5+)
4. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Deluxe VH21-263-0001 (130 cm) (5+/4+/5+)
5. Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Ugh Fine VH20-076-0020 (140 cm) (4+/4+/4+)
6. Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Kallan Leafrain VH19-031-0057 (130 cm) (4+/3+/3+)
7. Tobias Vallieres (VRL-14677) - Quickzilver VH21-012-0051 (120 cm) (3/5+/4+)
8. Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Quentin Quire VH19-044-0045 (160 cm) (4/4/3)
9. Amelie Chaput (VRL-01436) - Vulst af Rid VH21-010-0021 (120 cm) (4+/3/3)
10. Henna Havumäki (VRL-12757) - JB Berryboost VH16-012-0030 (130 cm) (3+/3+/3+)
11. Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Xiganth VH18-263-0001 (140 cm) (3/3/4+)
12. Arya Zuckerberg (VRL-14903) - Alizay's Cazarman VH20-012-0116 (140 cm) (3/4/3)
13. Jeppe Villmar (VRL-14837) - I'm Sassy And I Snow It VH21-012-0250 (160 cm) (2/3/3)
14. Joonas Norrlin (VRL-07228) - Paradox VH21-031-0229 (150 cm) (2+/2/4+)
15. Zoa Ashbee (VRL-14837) - Casually Mocking Chirp VH22-029-0108 (120 cm) (2/3/3)
16. Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Jazzdemon Lumos VH21-006-0131 (120 cm) (3/2/3)
17. Oskari Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Ruregal VH21-012-0249 (160 cm) (3/2/2)
18. Anton Seljavaara (VRL-11936) - Kallan Sycamore VH17-031-0411 (130 cm) (2/2/2)
19. Reija Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Casus Belli Est VH18-301-0004 (150 cm) (2/2/2)

Luokka 8. PJ-arvoluokka (taso väliltä 1-5, ei osallistumisia)

1. Zoa Ashbee (VRL-14837) - Casually Mocking Chirp VH22-029-0108 (120 cm) 0 vp 55.145 s
2. Alex Kristensen (VRL-14365) - Orange Wood's Xiganth VH18-263-0001 (140 cm) 0 vp 55.344 s
3. Joonas Hopealinna (VRL-12637) - Mr Smarty Pants 5594 xx VH14-006-0524 (120 cm) 0 vp 55.885 s
4. Salma Stjärndahl (VRL-13360) - Bonnie KN VH15-029-0290 (120 cm) 0 vp 55.894 s
5. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Quintissimo VH22-279-0002 (130 cm) 0 vp 56.050 s
6. Nikolai Karevaara (VRL-13876) - Gospodin Golovolomka VH15-097-0006 (160 cm) 0 vp 56.383 s
7. Rasmus Alsila (VRL-11889) - Art Of War VH22-031-0145 (130 cm) 0 vp 56.446 s
8. Aifric Flockhart (VRL-14859) - K. O. SuperShook VH21-102-0039 (130 cm) 0 vp 56.501 s
9. Jessamine Vidskar (VRL-14837) - Peggy von Wijnands VH21-012-0210 (130 cm) 0 vp 56.658 s
10. Matilda Tammilehto (VRL-08817) - Rosengårds Zelia VH18-031-0247 (130 cm) 0 vp 56.936 s
11. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Caledonia Hills VH19-031-0304 (160 cm) 0 vp 56.954 s
12. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Fantom Hills VH18-031-0438 (130 cm) 0 vp 57.165 s
13. Salvia Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Vappula Miami Glow VH21-031-0366 (140 cm) 0 vp 57.467 s
14. Amelie Chaput (VRL-01436) - Vulst af Rid VH21-010-0021 (120 cm) 0 vp 57.638 s
15. Alexander Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Quentin Quire VH19-044-0045 (160 cm) 0 vp 58.228 s
16. Arya Zuckerberg (VRL-14903) - Alizay's Cazarman VH20-012-0116 (140 cm) 0 vp 58.571 s
17. Jeramy Raeske (VRL-01725) - Kallan Leafrain VH19-031-0057 (130 cm) 0 vp 59.057 s
18. Josefina Rosengård (VRL-05265) - Ugh Fine VH20-076-0020 (140 cm) 0 vp 59.431 s
19. Iida Häggman (VRL-02160) - Themis Snilli VH21-031-0287 (130 cm) 0 vp 61.319 s
20. Akseli Ruusuvuori (VRL-08179) - Undercover Hills VH20-011-0184 (140 cm) 0 vp 61.774 s
21. Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Jazzdemon Lumos VH21-006-0131 (120 cm) 0 vp 62.267 s
22. Samuli Jokihaara (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317 (150 cm) 0 vp 62.558 s
23. Elaine Gerts (VRL-14900) - Sigrane VH21-031-0044 (160 cm) 0 vp 62.577 s
24. Reija Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Casus Belli Est VH18-301-0004 (150 cm) 0 vp 63.713 s
25. Jeppe Villmar (VRL-14837) - I'm Sassy And I Snow It VH21-012-0250 (160 cm) 0 vp 63.933 s
26. Sofia Kultasaari (VRL-11911) - Stormseeker VH17-031-0308 (130 cm) 0 vp 64.034 s
27. Oliver Hamara (VRL-14837) - Marcello VH18-012-0037 (160 cm) 0 vp 64.131 s
28. Joonas Norrlin (VRL-07228) - Paradox VH21-031-0229 (150 cm) 0 vp 64.146 s
29. Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Livin' Las Vegaz VH19-031-003 (160 cm) 0 vp 64.620 s
30. Mikael Gren (VRL-09386) - Leonardo II VH19-011-0133 (160 cm) 0 vp 64.697 s
31. Aava Heljänne (VRL-14837) - Malibu ox VH20-003-0238 (120 cm) 0 vp 65.041 s
32. Ulriikka Arvo (VRL-13369) - Dionysius VH21-315-0021 (140 cm) 0 vp 65.679 s
33. Jaro Santaharju (VRL-08179) - Kastanjan Cava Noche VH20-031-0012 (150 cm) 0 vp 65.715 s
34. Sylvi Sundberg (VRL-08179) - Sous Le Ciel Hills VH20-031-0051 (150 cm) 0 vp 65.962 s
35. Minea Pajari (VRL-12320) - Aura M! VH21-029-0195 (130 cm) 0 vp 65.987 s
36. Oona Aure (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden's Dracaena VH19-029-0005 (120 cm) 0 vp 67.178 s
37. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Foolish Fling Z VH20-272-0011 (140 cm) 0 vp 67.854 s
38. Kiira Veiskonen (VRL-12320) - Sycamore Real Bad VH21-029-0176 (120 cm) 0 vp 68.002 s
39. Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - Corradina SWA VH21-044-0014 (130 cm) 0 vp 68.230 s
40. Dochas Misang (VRL-14810) - Pacorro G. VH22-202-0004 (140 cm) 0 vp 68.309 s
41. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Silvan Cas VH19-044-0099 (160 cm) 0 vp 68.355 s
42. Joachim Altmann (VRL-05265) - Fine Fedora VH20-121-0008 (160 cm) 0 vp 68.710 s
43. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Deluxe VH21-263-0001 (130 cm) 0 vp 68.791 s
44. Tobias Vallieres (VRL-14677) - Quickzilver VH21-012-0051 (120 cm) 0 vp 69.310 s
45. Lea Gren (VRL-09386) - Lampiègne NBD Z VH21-272-0032 (120 cm) 0 vp 69.874 s
46. Henna Havumäki (VRL-12757) - JB Berryboost VH16-012-0030 (130 cm) 3 vp 73.830 s
47. Anton Seljavaara (VRL-11936) - Kallan Sycamore VH17-031-0411 (130 cm) 4 vp 56.438 s
48. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Lost In Eternity VH21-012-0131 (140 cm) 4 vp 57.182 s
49. Irene Raine (VRL-14959) - Corcovado Clover VH19-044-0040 (160 cm) 4 vp 59.702 s
50. Jacki Cartagena (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (150 cm) 4 vp 60.223 s
51. Eetu Suontaka (VRL-10531) - Rowandell Purnima VH21-011-0283 (150 cm) 4 vp 60.990 s
52. Daniel Hadvala (VRL-14959) - Melba Cas VH20-011-0284 (150 cm) 4 vp 61.429 s
53. Billy Center (VRL-02207) - Acinonyx VH21-253-0004 (140 cm) 4 vp 62.427 s
54. Bea Hallanko (VRL-14837) - Chappaquiddick VH21-029-0323 (130 cm) 4 vp 63.179 s
55. Lauri Merikanto (VRL-08817) - Garnet VH20-011-0007 (150 cm) 4 vp 63.933 s
56. Anamaria Antongiorgi (VRL-10531) - M.B. Osmi VH18-031-0279 (150 cm) 4 vp 63.969 s
57. Luna Lefèvre (VRL-14365) - Falconer VH18-031-0198 (150 cm) 4 vp 64.639 s
58. Andy Toyne (VRL-10531) - Getrec Couture VH21-013-0049 (160 cm) 4 vp 64.958 s
59. Henrika Stenholm (VRL-00692) - M.B. Pegasus VH20-031-0129 (120 cm) 4 vp 66.652 s
60. Oskari Käkiharju (VRL-11936) - Ruregal VH21-012-0249 (160 cm) 4 vp 67.614 s
61. Eliisa Lipsi (VRL-06858) - JB Cherryhuntress VH20-031-0008 (120 cm) 4 vp 68.544 s
62. Peppi Joki (VRL-06858) - JB Nether VH17-031-0456 (130 cm) 4 vp 68.967 s
63. Sinimeri Salokangas (VRL-15009) - Nox Psychosugar VH21-031-0348 (130 cm) 4 vp 69.015 s
64. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Konstantin VH21-101-0001 (140 cm) 8 vp 55.469 s
65. Icarus Kristiansen (VRL-01436) - Priton Religija VH21-006-0131 (150 cm) 8 vp 58.656 s
66. Aino Valta (VRL-13369) - Hananiah VH21-315-0017 (120 cm) 8 vp 60.949 s
67. Tomas Bengström (VRL-08179) - Toshka VH21-021-0069 (130 cm) 8 vp 66.065 s
68. Alma Nummila (VRL-10531) - Mye Champaca Prime VH16-066-0078 (160 cm) 8 vp 67.663 s
69. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Carolin d'Angoulins VH20-121-0007 (140 cm) 12 vp 56.915 s
70. Loius Marchal (VRL-05322) - Centurion VH21-031-0010 (120 cm) 12 vp 58.700 s
71. Theodore Lindsay (VRL-12637) - Texas Hold 'Em STC VH16-012-0254 (160 cm) 12 vp 63.644 s
72. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Napoli Z VH21-272-0066 (130 cm) 12 vp 64.794 s
73. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Vappula Amor Amor VH20-031-0090 (160 cm) 16 vp 58.475 s
74. Matteo Locatelli (VRL-14207) - Virago Seabreeze VH20-202-0011 (160 cm) 16 vp 61.058 s
75. Sanna Korpikari (VRL-02160) - Liljelunds Gyllene Mirakel VH19-029-0026 (120 cm) 16 vp 63.819 s
76. Petra Lammi (VRL-10531) - Ambiguity Krypton VH16-066-0059 (160 cm) 16 vp 67.253 s
77. Dmitriy Kozlov (VRL-14897) - Noor e Moriya VH22-050-0002 (140 cm) 16 vp 69.243 s
78. Agnieszka Nadolny (VRL-10531) - Cyberpunk NBD VH21-076-0021 (120 cm) hyl
79. Merit Kalda (VRL-05265) - Nothingman VH21-048-0034 (150 cm) hyl
80. Soile Kärppä (VRL-13006) - Rosegarden’s Rashad VH20-034-0009 (140 cm) hyl